Hi, I’m Renata, I’m a comedian and a copywriter.

ChatGPT says if I were a color I’d be ‘the ever-shifting hues of an aurora borealis… ’. Computer, how very sweet!

I agree - I do a lot of creative work in different mediums and styles. Photos, paintings, texts (I sing creatively but off-key).

Comedy-wise my style is character-driven, satirical, insightful, and not weird ‘playfully unique’.

Professionally, I focus on out-of-the box content for small businesses, entrepreneurs, laptops, and stage🌺.


<aside> 🤘 I’ve been doing improv for 9 years, sketch and character for 6, clowning for 2, stand-up & joke-writing on and off since 2014.


$$ \begin{aligned}I~wrote~for: \end{aligned} $$

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My Portfolio:


Joke Packet

Comedy Sketches

Audio/Video Ads

Join my mailing list for…

actually, YOU tell me what you’d love me to cover or what you’d love to work with me on. My mom always says two heads are better than one - and, however creepy it may sound, I agree.


👇What AI thinks working with me looks like👇

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