As a kid I've read 3 kinds of books:
As a grown up, my style is a blend of wonder, humor, and information.
Playing with letters is my favorite thing but I do a lot of creative work in different mediums and styles. Performing, painting, photography (I sing creatively but off-key).
Comedy-wise my style is sharp, absurd, insightful, and ‘playfully unique’. I love both Chekov and Monty Python so my characters are often big and layered - so like Big Bird (in 'Goodbye, Mr Hooper').
Professionally, I focus on out-of-the box, character-driven storytelling, scriptwriting and ads for small businesses, solopreneurs, youtube, and YOU 🫵.
<aside> 🤘 I’ve been doing improv for 9 years, sketch and character for 6, clowning for 2, stand-up & joke-writing on and off since 2014.
$$ \begin{aligned}I~wrote~for: \end{aligned} $$
My mom always says two heads are better than one - and, however creepy it may sound, I agree.
👇What AI thinks working with me looks like👇